Piece of shit corrupt democrat like all of the others is what he truly is.

Vote his ass out

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Isn’t that redundant?

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RECALL. You have to put in the work to punish these people immediately, get the signatures and file ASAP.

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Hi I am a citizen of Texas and I am opening a criminal investigation into this stupid sheriff for using his office to threaten another American. I will be just as successful as he is against Desantis. At least I am in my own jurisdiction but as for this pathetic sheriff, as like the Democrats like to say, "HE HAS NO STANDING!"

Being butt hurt is no justification for throwing his weight around were it does not belong especially if it is to take the heat and spot light off of himself!

So I will sign off with FJB and FJS!

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It would be a shame if Gov Abbott relieved him from his position.

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Exactly. I was already planning a call to Abbott and Paxton tomorrow to see if either can take some action.

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This guy is a grandstanding horse's ass.

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It's not nice to insult horses. Just Drop the "horse" before "ass" and add "hole" after it.

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Bad Hombre needs to go now.

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If i had family members die as a result of this scumbag. I know what i would do.

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Want to bet this POS lib is working for the cartels along with his commander in chief?

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Bexar CO. is run by filthy Communist rats! Nothing to see here

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This absolute utter 🤡 is going to use San Antonio residents tax money to "investigate" the governor of Florida? HE should be investigated by the Texas AG.

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Little out of your jurisdiction there skippy. Have fun working as a mall cop when you're shit canned for this.

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DeSantis has said repeatedly, "Don't send Illegal Immigrants to Florida". So why are these goofballs so shocked when he sends some of them to a Democrat stronghold? If Democrats are so high on illegal immigration, let the Democrats live with the illegal Immigrants. Personally, I think like this. Come legally or GTFO. We are not the doormat for the rest of the world. We do not have enough food, homes, hospitals, or other infrastructure for every person on planet Earth in this one location called the United States. This is why we have Immigration Laws. Follow them or be arrested and sent right back where you came from with papers that state clearly you are not allowed to come here ever period no second chance if you break our laws to come here.

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It’s not a coincidence.

He’s doing the Rahm Emmanuel playbook.

However, I think he might get the worst kind of publicity possible.

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I'll bet he's a Freemason.

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The "toy" sheriff of Bexar county needs to tend to his responsibilities and get off the TV. Weighing in with a self-serving stunt about the current national political fight is not his business. There is enough crime in Bexar county that needs to be addressed. He should direct his efforts there. This is nothing more than a shallow attempt to get a bigger media audience to advance his personal political career. His legal concept about this is simply crap. It will go nowhere.

Haven't been to San Antonio in a while. Knowing the BCSO leadership is this stupid, tells me it might not be a safe place to visit.

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Typical leftest POS. I'm sure DeSantis is shaking in his boots.

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If i had family members die as a result of this scumbag. I know what i would do.

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I'm announcing the start of my criminal investigation of Javier Salazar. So there. We now have the same legal standing: None.

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