FOX people are fakes all around. Did you know? I found Dana Perino listed as one of Klaus Schwab's young leaders. So Dana not only worships The Bush family but is a WEF groupie.
I don't know if she's being honest, but Tulsi said the other day that she was placed on that WEF list and did nothing to be put there, they just put her picture on it. I tend to trust her (maybe I shouldn't) so it made me question all of the people I've seen on the list. Maybe the WEF just thinks it's kind of an "honor" to be on the list - maybe it's just a list created by someone at the WEF listing the people they are impressed with?
Where did you find Perino on a WEF list? I looked but could not find any mention of her? I would find any affiliation with WEF of Perino or any other conservative talking head on Fox News surprising. Not calling you out, just curious.
It happened a few days ago. I travel all over the net reading, reading, reading. It was lists by year of WEF's young leaders by year. Perino was on for one year. If I can find it again I'll post. That's all I know. I saw it.
I saw it, too. Maria Bartiromo also attended WEF. Many names surprised me, truth be told. I've been looking for what Dr. Malone published, also. I'll post it - when I find it.
One would be surprised to see how many on BOTH sides attended. Wonder why Leo DiCaprio, Ashton Kutcher, Ibram X. Kendi (real name Ibram Henry Rogers), and Marcus Samuelsson just don't GO AWAY? WEF. Fox is controlled opposition, period.
Fox has its problems, but it also has conservative opinion hosts during it's primetime that the other major news outlets lack, and so some of the comments get a little silly to trash Fox overall, like they are no different. They do have RINOs and Libs, but also conservatives and are are not as one sided as the other major networks. So, keep it in perspective. The vaccine policy was insane, but president dumbass executive order mandated vaccines.
I'm sorry this happened to you. You got the shit end of the stick and those twats couldn't care less. (Sorry for cussing, but I'm cussing on your behalf.)
Have they changed the definition of “mandate” like they did other words that begin with “V”? Mandate implies all, yet there are exceptions for Congress, the Supreme Court, the White House, Pfizer, et Al. And it looks like Tucker got a pass as well….
Please advise on how MSNBC, CNN, NPR, ABC, NBC, CBS, NY Times, Wash Post and every other leftist news organization did better? So easy for conservatives to pick on Fox; that's why the leftists win everywhere because all you supposedly principled conservatives continue to shoot each other. You have no idea on how to stick up for your side no matter what. Trump was/is not a conservative and all the never-Trumper principled conservatives lambasted him constantly, ignoring the fact that he single handily gave them almost everything they espoused. Take a lesson from the libs, folks and walk the Ron Reagan walk; do no talk bad about conservatives, repubs etc. Enough of your whining.
What youre calling "never-Trumper/principled conservatives" are what most of us know to be RINOs or the swamp these days. Fox is the MSM just like the rest, they do just enough to keep an audience.
Look back at Operation Mockingbird. I don't know what the "name" is now for it - but it never stopped. Government has been palsy-walsy with media and "entertainment" for decades. It ramped up under FDR. Add unions (legendary that unions gave their members REAL ballots - all D and I was one), add social media. Now with investment companies like BlackRock actually *in* the White House and corrupting businesses, we see them falling like dominoes, especially "news" outlets.
Fox goes along to get along, like RINOs do. As much as I like Dan Bongino for his take on Washington, he, too, is two years too late on some news, especially like the vaccine being
problematic, at best. Whistleblowers on Rumble exposed this TWO years ago.
Anyone believing "news" is anything but propaganda is fooling themselves.
Fox is a bunch of fakes. The people who work there are in one business and only one business-making money/earning a paycheck. They'll keep up the grift for all the loyal midwit viewers who think there's actually a Republican vs Democrat divide in this country. News flash: there's only ONE political party in the USA--the Uniparty. The entire Repub vs Dem divide is a show to make you think that you actually have a choice at the ballot box.
All stations except for OAN took money from the U.S. Government to promote the vaccine. Most you mentioned above, have taken money from China for favorable stories.
Big distinction - both parties are "in" for the globalists and anti-Trump. Unless you see a politician like Marjorie Taylor Greene or Matt Gaetz say they are America first (or State first) you know to vote them OUT, don't trust them. Which is also why we must show up in huge numbers to defeat any countermeasures.
I'm not whining and I'm retired. I've done the "heavy lifting" for over two YEARS now, trying to inform people on social media of who to read online. Conservatives and their stance are banned from traditional media. Gone. Activism beats "whining" and people ARE waking up. It's slow, but evil has had a decades-long head start here.
Thank you, Breanna, for exposing the corrupt hypocrisy of Fox. It's not just Fox, but essentially all private businesses in NYC jumped on the medical tyranny bandwagon.
I was finishing my postdoctoral fellowship at Albert Einstein College of Medicine (AECOM) in the Bronx and having to get negative COVID tests twice weekly as an unvaccinated individual. Then the mayor passed his medical tyranny dictate for all private businesses on Dec. 6, 2021. AECOM waited till Dec.17 to say I had to get my first vaccine and show evidence to the effect by Dec. 23 or else I would be terminated Dec. 27. So...they wrongfully terminated me. Now my career is in limbo as I wasn't able to finish the scientific paper that I had been researching for the past 4.5 years. But to add insult to injury, NY State unemployment department refuses to process my unemployment claim (I submitted my claim back in March and it still says my claim is still being processed now in September). So not only are the private businesses and the city of NY responsible for this injustice but so is the state of NY.
Thank you for your voice and willingness to expose the evil because I don't hear this from anyone else. Thank you for being a voice for all of us in NYC who have had our lives and careers destroyed by these medical tyrants.
My son is a “pure-blood,” as he describes his rejection of the Covid vax imperative. He works for a NYC bank but has escaped their mandates by working remotely in our southern Red State. He is forbidden to even visit his woke home office in person. He has had a mild case of the disease, as have the other members of the family who were “vaccinated” prior. He voices that there will come a time that his untainted blood will be a sought commodity. I suspect he is correct.
Like the other MSM Fox took money from he Biden Administration to promote the vaccines, and thus ordered their broadcasters to not say anything bad about the vaccines. Ad revenue from Pfizer was an additional incentive. The Fox people were like a lot of the populace the MSM helped create, a mass of people unaware of the dangers of the covid vaccines. The liberal idiocy of Fox executives who never look at alternative conservative media and learn what's going on contributed to bad policy.
FOX people are fakes all around. Did you know? I found Dana Perino listed as one of Klaus Schwab's young leaders. So Dana not only worships The Bush family but is a WEF groupie.
I don't know if she's being honest, but Tulsi said the other day that she was placed on that WEF list and did nothing to be put there, they just put her picture on it. I tend to trust her (maybe I shouldn't) so it made me question all of the people I've seen on the list. Maybe the WEF just thinks it's kind of an "honor" to be on the list - maybe it's just a list created by someone at the WEF listing the people they are impressed with?
Where did you find Perino on a WEF list? I looked but could not find any mention of her? I would find any affiliation with WEF of Perino or any other conservative talking head on Fox News surprising. Not calling you out, just curious.
It happened a few days ago. I travel all over the net reading, reading, reading. It was lists by year of WEF's young leaders by year. Perino was on for one year. If I can find it again I'll post. That's all I know. I saw it.
I saw it, too. Maria Bartiromo also attended WEF. Many names surprised me, truth be told. I've been looking for what Dr. Malone published, also. I'll post it - when I find it.
I know you're not asking me, but Dr. Robert Malone has been "on" this along with aides and colleagues. This is from a recent post.
Trudeau, Macron, CA Gov. Newsom all notable for making horrendous decisions and are WEF-Trained. Biden attended, but he's not on a "list."
WEF does a good job of hiding their "graduates." Right now, I looked - their list has been taken down.
Here is the 2022 list.
One would be surprised to see how many on BOTH sides attended. Wonder why Leo DiCaprio, Ashton Kutcher, Ibram X. Kendi (real name Ibram Henry Rogers), and Marcus Samuelsson just don't GO AWAY? WEF. Fox is controlled opposition, period.
Thank you for your courage. Incredibly frustrating policy that has harmed many and their families and destroyed countless jobs.
It was all a gargantuan effort to subject-ify us AND reduce population.
Wait until you see what happens to the rates of Western reproduction.
Hire all fired and give them back pay as well!! If not, I pray they SUE EACH AND EVERY PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS UNCONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE!
Fox has its problems, but it also has conservative opinion hosts during it's primetime that the other major news outlets lack, and so some of the comments get a little silly to trash Fox overall, like they are no different. They do have RINOs and Libs, but also conservatives and are are not as one sided as the other major networks. So, keep it in perspective. The vaccine policy was insane, but president dumbass executive order mandated vaccines.
A little leaven leavens the whole lump.
I'm sorry this happened to you. You got the shit end of the stick and those twats couldn't care less. (Sorry for cussing, but I'm cussing on your behalf.)
fake fox news
Have they changed the definition of “mandate” like they did other words that begin with “V”? Mandate implies all, yet there are exceptions for Congress, the Supreme Court, the White House, Pfizer, et Al. And it looks like Tucker got a pass as well….
Please advise on how MSNBC, CNN, NPR, ABC, NBC, CBS, NY Times, Wash Post and every other leftist news organization did better? So easy for conservatives to pick on Fox; that's why the leftists win everywhere because all you supposedly principled conservatives continue to shoot each other. You have no idea on how to stick up for your side no matter what. Trump was/is not a conservative and all the never-Trumper principled conservatives lambasted him constantly, ignoring the fact that he single handily gave them almost everything they espoused. Take a lesson from the libs, folks and walk the Ron Reagan walk; do no talk bad about conservatives, repubs etc. Enough of your whining.
What youre calling "never-Trumper/principled conservatives" are what most of us know to be RINOs or the swamp these days. Fox is the MSM just like the rest, they do just enough to keep an audience.
Look back at Operation Mockingbird. I don't know what the "name" is now for it - but it never stopped. Government has been palsy-walsy with media and "entertainment" for decades. It ramped up under FDR. Add unions (legendary that unions gave their members REAL ballots - all D and I was one), add social media. Now with investment companies like BlackRock actually *in* the White House and corrupting businesses, we see them falling like dominoes, especially "news" outlets.
Fox goes along to get along, like RINOs do. As much as I like Dan Bongino for his take on Washington, he, too, is two years too late on some news, especially like the vaccine being
problematic, at best. Whistleblowers on Rumble exposed this TWO years ago.
Anyone believing "news" is anything but propaganda is fooling themselves.
Fox is a bunch of fakes. The people who work there are in one business and only one business-making money/earning a paycheck. They'll keep up the grift for all the loyal midwit viewers who think there's actually a Republican vs Democrat divide in this country. News flash: there's only ONE political party in the USA--the Uniparty. The entire Repub vs Dem divide is a show to make you think that you actually have a choice at the ballot box.
Absolutely true. Carroll Quigley in his book Tragedy and Hope explained the ploy.
All stations except for OAN took money from the U.S. Government to promote the vaccine. Most you mentioned above, have taken money from China for favorable stories.
Big distinction - both parties are "in" for the globalists and anti-Trump. Unless you see a politician like Marjorie Taylor Greene or Matt Gaetz say they are America first (or State first) you know to vote them OUT, don't trust them. Which is also why we must show up in huge numbers to defeat any countermeasures.
I'm not whining and I'm retired. I've done the "heavy lifting" for over two YEARS now, trying to inform people on social media of who to read online. Conservatives and their stance are banned from traditional media. Gone. Activism beats "whining" and people ARE waking up. It's slow, but evil has had a decades-long head start here.
Notice, dear a-hole how respondents get treated versus your moronic comment. Mitch, the turdle is a pos for failing to support MAGA.
Does your sloppy, herpes infected pussy squirt when you toy it with your jumbo sized, orange Trump dildo?
I bet it does!!!
Please kill yourself, ya seditious, conspiracy addled maga cunt
Does your herpes infected pussy squirt when you toy it with your jumbo sized, white boot accessorized, DeSantis dildo?
I bet it does!!!
Please kill yourself, ya conspiracy addled, antivax cunt
Thank you, Breanna, for exposing the corrupt hypocrisy of Fox. It's not just Fox, but essentially all private businesses in NYC jumped on the medical tyranny bandwagon.
I was finishing my postdoctoral fellowship at Albert Einstein College of Medicine (AECOM) in the Bronx and having to get negative COVID tests twice weekly as an unvaccinated individual. Then the mayor passed his medical tyranny dictate for all private businesses on Dec. 6, 2021. AECOM waited till Dec.17 to say I had to get my first vaccine and show evidence to the effect by Dec. 23 or else I would be terminated Dec. 27. So...they wrongfully terminated me. Now my career is in limbo as I wasn't able to finish the scientific paper that I had been researching for the past 4.5 years. But to add insult to injury, NY State unemployment department refuses to process my unemployment claim (I submitted my claim back in March and it still says my claim is still being processed now in September). So not only are the private businesses and the city of NY responsible for this injustice but so is the state of NY.
Thank you for your voice and willingness to expose the evil because I don't hear this from anyone else. Thank you for being a voice for all of us in NYC who have had our lives and careers destroyed by these medical tyrants.
scum like every infected american network...took of fascist state power and medical terrrorism
My son is a “pure-blood,” as he describes his rejection of the Covid vax imperative. He works for a NYC bank but has escaped their mandates by working remotely in our southern Red State. He is forbidden to even visit his woke home office in person. He has had a mild case of the disease, as have the other members of the family who were “vaccinated” prior. He voices that there will come a time that his untainted blood will be a sought commodity. I suspect he is correct.
Fox is cia front. Push bs and remember night of 2020 election they called arizona with barely 30 percent of vote counted.
Like the other MSM Fox took money from he Biden Administration to promote the vaccines, and thus ordered their broadcasters to not say anything bad about the vaccines. Ad revenue from Pfizer was an additional incentive. The Fox people were like a lot of the populace the MSM helped create, a mass of people unaware of the dangers of the covid vaccines. The liberal idiocy of Fox executives who never look at alternative conservative media and learn what's going on contributed to bad policy.