Jan 30, 2023Liked by Breanna Morello

I will marry you :) but its mountain living dear so can be hard work and generally nonstop doing stuff but i find it to be great for the soul.

and i agree with the article, its filth and should be treated as such, we have fallen so far and it is troubling

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Breanna Morello

God has a man out there for you Breanna. Leaving Fox was very courageous. I'll be praying a valiant, God-fearing man comes your way.

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Hey, Breanna, as a fellow heterosexual woman I agree with you on many points. I don't even know who you are. I'm here because this was linked on CFP. I'd just like to point out, the men ARE there. It is YOUR standard that is TOO high. It's too high because of what you yourself have achieved. You only want a man with equal or greater status, consciously or subconsciously, and your own success has narrowed your choices to that of the needle in the haystack. Good Luck, but first take a look in the mirror.

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Yes you are correct. Men will trade down much easier than women.

My son just turned 30 and e-mailed last week. Dad, My career has really taken off and now I get solicited to date by women I’ve known for years.

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I am already walking out of Sodom without looking back.

I suggest you all do the same. And get started soon - it's kind of a trek.

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I'm guessing you live in a blue city?

There's most of your problem - move to somewhere normal and sane where the Democrats haven't been in control for the past few decades and you'll be fine.

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I say the same thing about black people living in Chicago etc. Just pack up and move! How naive. But in your defense understandable. . Humans eschew change and it's reinforced by current social programs. Look at the dust bowl, great depression etc. Men traveled by box cars or foot to find work. Now people are

discouraged of mobility by financial incentives to remain in a certain voting district. ie welfare friendly cities and states. Think about it, how is living in the mid/sourh west in a desert or forrest where you MAY worry about your next meal or danger from a wild animal any different from the lack of food or animals (thugs) in the city?

SELF RELIANCE is whats missing in today's "you owe me" world... you can live anywhere when you embrace self reliance/responsibility.

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This makes me so sick. I am a victim of media pushing, liberal, feminism, and it wrecked my life. I never got married, I never had children. I thought I was supposed to be the Enjoli woman, you know, do it all (bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, but never let him forget he's a man). And now I have nothing. It's a scam.

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I know it sounds shallow, but your reward awaits you in heaven. Do your best while here.

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reward for being a feminist??? you need to reread your bible, and not a new living translation

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I have a family member in her 70s who is in the same position, but she was there for us during covid and had my back (one of the few that did) over the vax. Don't give up - you may well have a purpose that is not obvious to you right now.

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Your not a victim you had a choice you made it.

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Don’t forget misandry. I’ve encountered women and especially lesbians who have an intense hatred of men and masculinity.

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Yep, because men don't complain as much they think we have it better, so they decide they want to be men but cannot deal with the fact that they're no good at it. Thus, envy based identity politics.

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Feminism: A Jewish Psyop to Demonize White Women

MGTOW = Mostly Gay Transgendered Or Wimpy


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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

That is SO true.

A young female who I've known since she was a toddler became a lesbian...she was even considering going the fantasy "sex-change" route. She was a really good kid in her pre-teen years...she was fun, happy, and had always interacted at the family gatherings. Something threw the switch in her now messed-up head during her high school years. She became combative towards any male, and her lesbian 'partner' was even worse. They're too angry and bitter to converse with...they're a lost cause.

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I wonder sometimes if that “switch” is triggered by environmental toxins and toxic childhood vaccinations (like HPV) I feel badly for these confused kids.

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Jan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023

"It's not me--its you."

Are you sure? What if say I agree with everything you wrote but still ask, what are you bringing to the table in a relationship Breanna? You say feminism is part of the problem so I'll guess you reject the label for yourself, but do you still think a relationship is all about you, that your needs and desires (no matter how unreasonable) are paramount and a man's role is to be a wallet and sperm bank whenever you need them and nothing more?

I ask these questions in all sincerity as a male married 42 years to the same woman and father of a 40 year old, single, never married male. I thank my lucky stars that I married when I did because when I see the "quality" of the women he's dated the last 24 years I weep for his future and that of our society. 15 or so women, all absolutely physically stunning (he's a very good looking man) and all petty, childish, selfish, self adsorbed, social media addicted narcissists every last one of them who thought relationship was a two letter word spelled "M E."

The next time I meet a decent, respectful, sincere, trust worthy woman that actually has what it takes to be one half of serious and meaningful relationship under the age 55, honestly it'll be the first time.

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the author blames men. when it's in fact women. unbelievable.

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My general observation as a heterosexual man is the women age 25-44 identify as liberal. Hardcore to the point it would drive any man away. To top that off the majority of them are overweight and would rather argue about it rather than exorcise and do something about it.

Thus I assumed the "most Women" referred to in the article chose to be that way.

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Most single women are liberal. Then eliminate (Thankfully) " No Trumpers", "Must Be Vaccinated", 70% are overweight, not feminine but want a top 1% man. Meanwhile they are sleeping with 5 guys while looking for a husband at 35. I say the average male has very few women to date.

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why is there a war in Ukraine? why is the country ruined? Simple! Because women. vote Democrat and RUIN EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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When is the next plane full of armed feminists headed to Ukraine ?

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no sympathy. stop embracing feminism, stop voting liberal, stop screaming that abortion is a right, stop going to the club and being a ho

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...oh, and stop dying your hair, peircing your face, and getting tattoos. it's ugly as fark

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Cool article... Now put yourself in a man's shoes... Most university educated women, especially if they are white, are toxic pink haired men and child hating lesbian leftists... Of course, men always have other options e.g. non-college educated women (who still have common sense) or even mail order brides 😀

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Oh and I forgot - FAT with unhealthy habits who don't take care of themselves (looks and health)... And not all men are fat and don't take care of themselves...

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Feminism: A Jewish Psyop to Demonize White Women

MGTOW = Mostly Gay Transgendered Or Wimpy


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Breanna - When I read your article, I had to agree with an awful lot of what you wrote. And, after reading the comments, it seems they prove out what you say. I'm an old phart and I can't believe the amount of men who write that they are "good looking." Real men comb their hair and take a bath; they don't primp. I have been married for 48 years to the same woman. Neither one of us looks anywhere near what we looked like when we were high school sweethearts; yet the responders to this article want someone who is "healthy" and "trim." We've both gained weight, but we've also had a good time getting there. We've endured several hard times and have survived. I think it is because we've never considered divorce - maybe murder, tho. We've worked together in physical labor as a job, not a hobby. We've travelled to a foreign country and learned a new language together as missionaries. Built a home with our bare hands. Her heart is mine, and mine is hers. When we had young children, we did the "math" and felt it was better financially for her to care for the children and me to get a part time job to make it work. She thinks of me as a "manly man." No, I'm no hunk, but I will do what it takes to keep my family fed. I'm not afraid to work on the sewer and get filthy if it'll save some money for my family. I wear her favorite cologne from time to time; it's called Campfire Smoke and is only available at the local State Park where we go camping. She is a "womanly woman," probably much to the chagrin of modern younger women. She knows how and when to use makeup, how to dress nicely (not like a trollop). She knows how to convert from our regular menu to the "extreme menu" when things get tight. Yes, I'll hold the door open for anyone, regardless of age or color. Yes, at 67, I still use "Ma'am" and "Sir." Breanna, I have no answers for you as to where to find the mate you're looking for. But, don't give up hope. If you're the kind of woman worth waiting for, then there's a man worth waiting for, too.

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Beautifully said, sir!

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Single straight women are the largest group pushing for unlimited abortion! What honorable, ethical, religious, young man would want the likes of you, where life is so meaningless!

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Male children are put into schools year round for over a decade, during their most impressionable time, and bossed by women, told how to play, what to play, how to learn, what to learn. Very little of which male children need to know to become Men.

We no longer raise Men, we raise boys.

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