I was scanned a few months ago. I saw on a sign that it was voluntary. We I stepped up to the desk, I told the TSA guy I declined to be scanned. He said, Too late. I already did it. I should have called for his supervisor but my wife was eager to get through. I just gave him a cold stare and did a slow burn. I have no doubt even domestic travelers’ scans are being kept in a database. My IPhone has a facial ID program I use. I’m sure that data is sold to the government too.

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05/15/24: It's always good to put these things in writing, Breanna. Words evaporate. Video tape expires.

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Ma'am, you are a beast. Bravo - keep up the great work. I for one will always have your back.

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Thanks for being a true journalist and keeping an eye on the government. I will certainly decline and tell everyone else to decline also. Thanks so much for all you do!

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I flew twice last month, using LAX and Logan. Both employ the technology. When I told the agents, "thanks, I'll pass," the shock on their faces was suitable for framing. They're like, 'uhhh, okay.' YOU DON'T HAVE TO SUBMIT to this -- at least for now.

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Wouldn’t say that TSA “sends” anything to DHS because TSA is a sub-agency of DHS. TSA *is* DHS so de facto DHS already has everything they collect - especially when a lot of IT systems are shared services procured and provided from higher HQ, its probably already in their systems to begin with.

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"We delete record except for foreigners."

BS. There's no such thing as deleting anything digital that passes through the web. And unless you're Hillary BleachBit'ing your electronics anything stored offline is also recoverable.

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In other words, they make a copy before they delete the original.

Who do they think they are fooling?

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Oh the fucking conspiracy! I worked at DIA in Denver long ago (like 2009-ish), and if you think you can work at an airport post 9/11 without allowing DHS to have a picture of you....I have a massive clear lake with tasty water in the middle of Phoenix to sell you.

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I am literally at the Orlando airport on 5/16/24 reading this. I always decline the picture as well as going through the scanner. Today the TSA agent would not let me through and the supervisor gave me a bunch of shit. I just handed them my passport and said i would not consent to a photo. took about 5 minutes of them realizing I'm not going to o it before they just let me through. I always keep a copy of the printed out part of their website in my bag just in case as well.

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Who else is sending facial recognition biometrics to DHS? I’m guessing that this won’t stop here.

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