I can only hope that she is up-to-date on ALL her mRNA injections and boosters.

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YES!! And the REAL ones, not the fake saline ones with no expiration date on the box!!

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Seems like an invitation for a law suit to me. Since the FDA has been recently reprimanded for interfering with the doctor patient relationship, this "strongly worded letter" is more of a threat and an absolute interference between that relationship. SUE HER ASS!!!!!

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Not only is Letita James a bully, but she is also big pharma's ass

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Nice job new yorkers, you have a state government - one that you elected, that was ready to protect you from Ivermectin - you probably stupidly and arrogantly called it "horse paste" . . . by PROSECUTING MDs who prescribe it, all while your filthy cities are full of criminals who laugh when they are arrested because they know they will NOT be prosecuted!

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NY governor wants to put the residents in camps.

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Yes indeed; Letish thinks she’s a real docturd……

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There needs to be a class action lawsuit against her & the state of N.Y. by all the doctors who received such a letter. That is abuse of power as she is not a doctor & cannot legally practice medicine without a license. She stepped over her professional boundaries.

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This is so pathetic. Tish James knows absolutely nothing about medicine and especially medicine to mitigate the effects of SARS-CoV-2. Clueless. Sadly, if drug into a NYC Court with a corrupt, clueless judge and a clueless jury, there could be innocent physicians charged with who knows what? Whatever Tish James makes up! This little event is/was all about power: What Tish can force physicians to do against their wills. Someone needs to take up the challenge but it will be difficult given the resources of NY to bully and club practicing medical personnel. It's mind boggling that life and death decisions are now being made by someone who has zero medical knowledge. So sad and pathetic and unnecessary!

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What an awful pig

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Arrest her for practicing medicine without a license.

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You are correct. Tish thinks she’s a physician but we know her as a docturd….

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Wife is a pharmacist and saw all this coming. We had been on 3000-5000 IU vitamin D for years. For Covid, she brought home IVM but all they could get was 3mg pills and then her corp stopped ordering it. So she she had me order a bunch of 12mg pills from a reliable source. Our unshotted household finally tested positive in March 2023. I was the first to suspect because I had a funny raw feeling in my nose and things tasted funny. Tested positive with one of those in-home tests. Shit. Rest of house tested negative. Regardless, we started everyone on 12mg IVM daily. I also took ibuprofin. Next day I felt a little crummy like a mild cold but the symptoms subsided more every day. . Everyone else tested positive that next day and there was a little coughing going on complaints of mild cold symptoms. We all stayed on IVM for another 5 days. At about the 5th day we were all symptom free and were testing negative. Big believer in daily Vitamin D supplements along with a multi. And will always keep plenty of IVM on hand because I think these new human-engineered viruses are going to keep coming.

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I ordered IVM from an online Indian pharmacy.

And for those people who might criticize the idea, the VA just sent me blood pressure medicine made in Bangladesh.

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Many of our first line meds are made in India. Many are also made in China where they make the best drugs of all…Can you say “Fentanyl?”

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Years ago, a lot of pharmaceutical companies were in Puerto Rico.

Then Clinton got rid of the tax advantage.


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Stupid. Evil. Piece of shit bitches from hell.

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All I need to know about this woman: https://shorturl.at/f4l5m

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All I need to know about this woman: https://shorturl.at/f4l5m

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Your government wants you dead.

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She is a murderer.

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