Fox Corp attempted to force me to get the experimental Covid vaccine while I was a booking producer for Fox Business. As a result, I resigned.
Back in 2019, I was a Teleprompter Operator for Fox News & Fox Business. I resigned from my role and relocated to Florida to follow my dream of being a news producer—outside of NYC. After bouncing around from a few gigs, I landed back at Fox Corp in 2021. I was working remotely on FBN shows like Wall Street Journal at Large and Maria Bartiromo’s Wall Street. Upon my rehiring, I had agreed to relocate NYC by January 1, 2022. My goal was to become a producer for Tucker Carlson. It was the only reason I’d ever consider relocating to that liberal wasteland again.
I should have known that things at Fox Corp had drastically changed since my 2019 days. Upon my rehiring, I received an email from an individual in Human Resources with their pronouns in their email signature. Maybe that should have been my first clue that Fox Corp had shifted.
Sadly, that was not the only alarming email I had received. In 2021, I was asked to submit my vaccination status voluntarily in an email. I declined to do so. Weeks later, I was told it was now mandatory. Human Resources wanted to know my vaccination status and my vaccination records. As a remote employee, I ignored the first three emails that were sent to me. Even one email that came from the office of Suzanne Scott. I only replied after receiving a personal email from a higher up atHuman Resources. This individual was demanding my vaccination records.I responded by informing them that this demand made me feel extremely uncomfortable. This individual stated that the information was only being used to coordinate seating arrangements—for when I return to the NYC office. This means I would be seated in a different area—away from my vaccinated colleagues. This individual offered me the option to get on a call to discuss my reluctance but I declined. When you’ve worked in media for as long as I have, you know these issues need to be documented through emails, phone calls give them the luxury of fabricating the discussion.
So being that my back was against the wall, I submitted my vaccination information. I figured if I comply they'd leave me alone. Sadly, that's never how these things end. I knew better.
After packing up my beautiful Florida apartment in late December, I was relocating back to New York City for work. My remote role as a Fox Business booking producer was going to become an in-person position starting on January 3, 2022.
The day I moved into my new apartment, I was completely caught off guard by an email that was forwarded to me by my Executive Producer. In the email, I was informed that I had to receive my first dose of the experimental Covid vaccine within a matter of days. The email threatened to put me on unpaid leave if I did not meet the deadline. The email citied the illegal NYC private sector mandate for their reasoning. This email was never directly sent to me by Human Resources. The email also offered $500 to every vaccinated employee who turned in their vaccination details by a certain deadline. I only received the email once my EP forwarded a copy to me—the day I moved back to NYC/NJ.
Why would Fox Corp's Human Resources department withhold this information after hounding me for my vaccination status? The only logical explanation I was able to formulate is they intentionally withheld this information from me thinking I would comply after I relocated. These are my beliefs.
I was now forced to face the reality that if I did not get the experimental vaccine, I would be placed on unpaid leave. My stomach turned. I had just spent thousands of dollars on relocating. I broke my Florida lease, paid for movers, rented cars, paid for hotels, paid nearly $4,000 for my new apartment, and more.
Do I take the jab and dodge being placed on unpaid leave? Hell no. You don't give in. I learned that lesson the first time. So I emailed HR and got on the phone with an FBN executive. No one was willing to give me an alternative route until my Executive Producer stepped in. Two sources confirmed that my EP had to plea for me not to be put on unpaid leave. They said I had been doing my job remotely for nearly six months and didn't see a reason why I couldn't continue to do so. The liberal hacks in HR said I committed to moving back and coming into the office by the beginning of 2022 (before I knew any of this). They were looking to hold me to that commitment. Keep in mind--I made that commitment not knowing about the vaccine mandate.
Fox Corp's HR finally gave in a granted me permission to work remotely. But their harassment didn't stop there.
I watched all my vaccinated colleagues contract the virus just days after Christmas. Thankfully, they are all fine now. So the humor in this can be appreciated. My vaccinated coworkers were the superspreaders in the office.
Fox Corp went above and beyond what these illegal vaccine mandates required. For an example, Biden's illegal executive order which required weekly testing for the unvaccinated didn't go far enough for Fox Corp. They demanded that their unvaccinated employees commit to daily testing.
The DC bureau required us to ask guests to fill out forms before they came into the studio. The digital forms asked guests for their personal vaccination details. I cringed every time they forced us to send it to guests.
In former Mayor Bill de Blasio's illegal vaccine mandate, he exempts individuals that have to enter "the workplace for a quick and limited purpose." Being that I am a weekend producer, I technically could just enter the building to do my two weekend show’s pre-tapes and leave immediately after since the order does not give you a time restriction. Fox Corp's HR told me that they interpreted this as someone entering the office for 15 minutes or less. This is not in the illegal mandate--HR single-handedly did this to discriminate against me.
Keep in mind, the Supreme Court shot down Joe Biden's private sector vaccine mandate prior to my relocation to NYC. Meaning, SCOTUS ruled that Biden did not have the authority to mandate this. So why would the out-going NYC Mayor have the authority to do this?
The illegal mandate is also poorly written. For one, the mandate did not assign an agency to enforce the order. Secondly, it did not list any penalties. I even asked HR if they had any plans to sue the city over this illegal mandate. They informed me they did not. Apparently I was the only one who appreciated our Constitutional right to a Free Press.
It is also important to note that Fox Corp employs an entire legal department If they wanted to, they could have made the legal argument. Especially since the Supreme Court tossed out Biden’s private sector mandate before all of this went down. From what I was told, Fox Corp only wanted to comply. They did not want to fight back.
Once I heard Fox Corp did not want to fight back against the illegal vaccine mandate, my stomach turned. I knew this was the end of my Fox Corp career. I would never get the opportunity to produce for Tucker Carlson. That goal had died. My image of Fox Corp was forever tainted. I knew what I had to do next— it was time to resign.
My colleagues attempted to push me to file for a religious exemption but I declined. If I would have done that, that too means I complied. Never have we ever had to provide our employers with our medical history or religious details. In fact, in most cases it’s illegal for them to even ask. So why give another inch? I learned that lesson the first time.
The networks that highlight average Americans pushing back against these illegal mandates, did not want to push back. But why? Why did they give in when the fight landed at their feet?
According to a report in The Blaze, we later learned that Fox Corp took money from the Biden Administration’s HHS to promote the vaccine. If you recall, Joe Biden roasted Fox Corp reporters at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. It is my belief that he was hinting at their coverage being brought off.
I laughed the next day when Rachel Campos-Duffy’s reacted to Biden’s remarks. She screamed on Fox and Friends that she was unvaccinated. Duffy even added,"we allow people choice!" That was a lie. It's also important to add that Fox and Friends is based out of the NYC bureau. Duffy should have received the emails (before me) regarding Fox Corp's compliancy with the illegal NYC vaccine mandate. So Duffy either lied and complied by submitting an exemption or she is above us all and was never corned into compliance. If I could, I would ask Rachel Campos-Duffy and Brian Kilmeade this question--are you above us or did you comply with tyranny?
It also made sense why an interview I booked with former Trump official Peter Navarro was edited. Navarro was discussing the experimental vaccines during a pre-taped interview. During that interview, Navarro criticized the push to vaccinate young people. That portion was removed from the interview and never aired. Navarro saw the edits and emailed me about it. I forwarded Navarro's email to my higher ups. I was told not to reply. But Navarro was 100% right. It was an absolute disgrace that we edited out Navarro’s accurate remarks.
I ended up submitting my resignation in February 2022 to my FBN team. I was advised by an executive to rethink before I committed to my resignation. He said I was potentially giving up the “opportunity to be on-air” but I could careless about that. The network's image was forever tainted in my mind. I was done.
I also forward a resignation letter to Human Resources. In my letter to HR I said, “I believe it is unethical to continue promoting the sacrifices firemen, police officers, nurses, and other essential workers are making in order to push back against these unconstitutional mandates. We do all of this while knowing we’ve so cowardly caved. Based on our own reporting, we all know I’m not a threat to anyone’s health in the office. We should believe in the work we produce. We shouldn’t be spewing stories we don’t actually believe in. I truly do believe in the message we deliver each day and that’s why I’m leaving. Please tell your colleagues, if they disagree with our company’s messaging they should also resign.”
Now you’d think my resignation letter would mark the end of my HR feud but it did not. HR attempted to demand my relocation expenses to be paid back. The company covered a portion of my move. They were demanding I’d repay them the $5,000. If HR did its job in the first place and told me they were mandating vaccines, I wouldn't have left Florida. So I pushed back informing them I would not be reimbursing them for that cost. I also told them I was considering legal actions because they intentionally (in my belief) did not tell me they were complying with an illegal vaccine mandate. The expenses I have incurred are well beyond $5,000. My threat of potentially taking up civil action against them eventually fended off the liberal trolls in HR.
After my two-weeks notice was up, I sent back all the company property I had. They never offered to provide me with any of my belongs from my desk. I clearly couldn't come into the office to retrieve my few belongs either because I was an unvaccinated menace. Instead I am sure everything was either thrown out or given away to the vaccinated superspreaders in the office.
But this isn’t a story that ends on a sad note. I am beyond thankful to have landed a Senior Producer/Reporter role with one of the most talented journalists in the industry. Emerald Robinson has taken me under her wing and has allowed me the opportunity to become a truth teller with her. No filters, just the pure facts. Our content is so incredible that sometimes it makes it on to Fox News (without the credit). Everyday we tell ‘The Absolute Truth’ on This opportunity is a rarity and is greatly appreciated.
Fox Corp will most likely launch an attack to shoot down my creditability. They may count on other media outlets to do it for them so it doesn’t look like they are the ones attacking me. But it is important to note that I communicated through emails. If you are wondering why I have not published any emails, there’s legal reasons for that. Emails are considered to be company property. If I release anything, I could be potentially sued. It’s considered stolen property. So if Fox Corp has a different understanding of this issue, they should release every single email that was sent to me and what I sent back. No edits. Everything in its entirety.
I am potentially looking into the civil action I can take up. Between the harassment, discrimination, and the financial loss I endured—I think it’s important to see how much, if any of the HHS funding weighed into HR’s motivations to push me out.
Please note that even though I booked for Maria Bartiromo’s weekend show, she was not aware of what was going on with my situation. My communication with Maria was always limited. Maria is phenomenal.
If you’re wondering what outlets to turn to, I can’t offer you any relief. The only thing that will save our country is people who are not on editorial calls every morning and being told how to spin the news cycle. If we want to save this nation, we have to rely on independent journalists.
I have started this Substack to help you dissect the media we consume. My podcast will launch shortly as well. I hope my guidance provides you with some form of clarity.
My story is the story millions of Americans share. We rejected tyranny and didn't allow others to bully us into an experiment. Based on the current data now coming out, my future children will be thankfully I did so.
NEVER bend the knee EVEN if they’re attempting to take nearly everything from you.
-Breanna Morello
It is so incredible to hear a young woman of this caliber to stand against tyranny and encourage us as we do the same. God bless!
I live in Florida and 18 months ago received two Moderna vaccinations. I am just now beginning to recover my energy. My immediate reactions were an irregular heartbeat and a low red blood cell count, resulting in two hypoxia events, one while driving. I will never again allow the government to mandate any injection into my body. You made the correct choice in refusing the shots.